Hello, I’m Andrea.

I work at the intersection of business, technology, and humans.

Do you have a messy situation you need to untangle? Do you have an idea you need to validate? Do you have teams or individuals whose performance could be enhanced? I might be able to help.

What I can do for you

Strategic Planning

In Good Strategy, Bad Strategy, Richard Rumelt defines strategy as "figuring out how to advance an organization's interests." Specifically, good strategy has what he calls a "kernel", which contains 3 elements: a diagnosis, a guiding policy, and coherent action. Without even one of these 3 elements, whatever we have, it's not good strategy and it won't help us achieve our goals.

Collaborate with me to:

  • Diagnose the obstacles your organization faces

  • Develop policies to guide what you will and won't pursue

  • Co-design solutions to get through or around your obstacles to reach your desired outcomes.

Facilitation & Coaching

Are you stuck and unable to move forward? When teams are grappling with challenges in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments, it's easy to get stuck. Where and when to start when so many things are at play, so many people are involved, and all of it is messy?

Partner with me to co-create workshops that I will facilitate to help teams see the forest and not just the trees. A neutral third-party has permission to ask questions that teams sometimes don't have the space or psychological safety to ask.

Facilitated sessions can unblock teams by:

  • Helping to see the big picture

  • Driving alignment among a diverse group of stakeholders

  • Creating workback plans of prioritized lists of action items.

Let’s chat.

Even if you’re not sure how to describe your challenge, it’s worth thinking out loud together.